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Pebble Bedrock Baby Costume

Flintstones Family Halloween Costume with Hand Built Car!

What great fun we had with our Flintstones family Halloween costume. Having kids seems to have rejuvenated my inner-child and rather than buy our Halloween costumes, I've gotten the bug to create them the last few years, and hopefully provide the kids with lasting memories along the way. A couple of years ago we did … Read more

Homemade Flintstones Group Costume

This year we decided to dress up at the Flintstones. Fred's costume was made out of orange, black and blue fleece. It was sewn together and the tie was tied around his neck like a regular neck tie. Fred carried around a bowling ball… it was made out of a styrofoam ball and painted blue. … Read more

The San Diegan Flintstones

Growing up, my Ma made me and my brothers costumes by hand every year. I had my baby girl in January and couldn't wait to flex my skills to honor my Angel Mama. Start simple, nothing too elaborate. Something primitive…BOOM! Flintstones – The San Diegan Flintstones family costume. I started with felt, lots of it. … Read more

Real Life Pebbles and Bamm Bamm with Working Flintstones Car

We had been wanting to do this ideas since out babies met each other, unfortunately Pebbles didn't had hair and it took her a while. Luckily for us she got a good amount of hair right before Halloween so we knew he had to go for it. Bamm Bamm's outfit was made by grandma and … Read more

Flintstones Family Costumes

My daughter who is 6 was Pebbles for Halloween when she was two. I made her costume at the time and when we had twins boy and girl who are now two. I decided to hand my oldest costume to her and make my son Bamm Bamm and also created his costume. My husband and … Read more

Flintstones Family Costumes For Under $40!

Halloween has always been an exciting time for me, but once starting a family and having kids of our own, that just upped the anty of fun to be had. Every year we like to figure out a family costume theme and I love to spend the time creating it. Once we figured out that … Read more

Baby Flintstones Dino Costume

This year, my husband and I decided to dress up as the Flintstones as a family for our annual Halloween party and trick-or-treating. As it was our first year in our new house, we had a lot of other decorations to make for the house and I knew I wouldn't be able to make costumes … Read more

Homemade Easy and Darling Pebbles Costume

The hardest part of this Pebbles costume was finding the right fabric for the top. I searched Joann's Fabric and local shops, but had a challenge finding a leopard print that was adorable and comfortable for my little girl. Either the leopard print was bleh or the fabric was a thick flannel or scratchy faux … Read more

Wilma and Fred Flintstone Toddler Costumes

My sister came up with the idea of the Flintstone while flipping through costume ideas because she had two kids to think of. This is a photo of my daughter and my son as Fred and Wilma Flintstone. There is no sewing done with these costumes, just glue safety pin and the fabric. My daughters … Read more

Fun Homemade Group Costume for the Family: The Flintstone's

My 4 yr-old son was always banging on everything he could get his hands on. We all started calling him Bam-Bam. My 9 yr-old daughter decided that's what he should be for Halloween and that segwayed into the whole family being the Flinstone's.  (She of course had to convince her father who never dressed up … Read more

Cute and Sexy Pebbles and Bam Bam Couple Costume

My sophmore year of college I decided to cut my hair really short and all of my friends told me I should dress up like Pebbles for Halloween. After looking on every Halloween website known to man I gave up and decided to make my own. In the mist of everything my boyfriend now decides … Read more

Easy and Cheap DIY Bamm Bamm Costume for Toddlers

This costume was very easy and cheap to make. I went to my local craft store and bought some orange and black felt material, glue sticks, and some safety pins. I cut out the Bam Bam skirt and put the trim around the bottom. I then hot glued the black spots on it. I made … Read more

Pebble Bedrock Baby Costume
