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How to Get Pee Out of Cloth Car Seats

How To Clean Urine From A Car Seat (Stains & Smells)

How To Clean Urine From A Car Seat (Stains & Smells)

Urine accidents sometimes happen at the most inconvenient times, and if not acted upon fast, the smell lingers in your car for weeks. The ammonia stench from urine stains is very irritating and hard to ignore, but it's possible to get rid of it. If you often have kids and pets riding with you, frequently, you have to deal with urine messes and accidents at a point.

How To Clean Urine From A Car Seat

After wiping away as much as possible, spray the affected surfaces with equal amounts of vinegar and water, or rub baking soda solution into the upholstery. After drying up, vacuum any residue. For persistent and tough stains, use enzymatic cleaners to break down the molecules, causing odors.

Dab or spray a little enzymatic cleaner for a patch test to ensure the product used doesn't ruin the upholstery. Clean the doors and windows as well if you want the smell completely out of your car.

How To Clean Urine From Cloth Car Upholstery

Urine should be cleaned off car seats as soon as possible to prevent odors which can be very overwhelming in confined spaces. In the event of such accidents, don't panic, as there are ways to clean up your upholstery and rid your car of the foul stench of urine.

  • It's important to act fast when cleaning the urine from your car upholstery
  • First, start by blotting the stained area with paper towels
  • Then dilute and clean the upholstery with safe products like vinegar and a mild dish soap solution
  • You can open the car windows to allow in the fresh air and get rid of the odor fast as you work
  • For vinyl or leather upholstery, wipe from the outside of the fluid to the center
  • Ensure that you've blotted all the urine areas pooled, like the seams and stitching indentations
  • Use little moisture as too much of it damages real leather on car seats
  • If you have car upholstery shampoo, use it instead

Best Upholstery Cleaner For Urine

Best Choice


Rocco & Roxie
Stain & Odor Eliminator

Urine stain and odor eliminators are focused on pet problems but they work the same no matter the source of the urine. Rocco & Roxie is the best. Just read the reviews.

Runner Up


Enzyme Stain Cleaner & Pet Odor Eliminator

Angry Orange is another excellent pet stain and odor eliminator. It doesn't just cover the smell with orange fragrance. It uses active enzymes to tackle the smell.

Also Good


Urine Remover

There's no bleach in this Clorox product so don't worry. It's an amazing product for removing urine stains and smells. You won't regret this pick.

Best Choice

Runner Up

Also Good

Rocco & Roxie
Stain & Odor Eliminator

Enzyme Stain Cleaner & Pet Odor Eliminator

Urine Remover

Urine stain and odor eliminators are focused on pet problems but they work the same no matter the source of the urine. Rocco & Roxie is the best. Just read the reviews.

Angry Orange is another excellent pet stain and odor eliminator. It doesn't just cover the smell with orange fragrance. It uses active enzymes to tackle the smell.

There's no bleach in this Clorox product so don't worry. It's an amazing product for removing urine stains and smells. You won't regret this pick.

How To Clean Urine From Child Car Seat

All cars need a deep clean once in a while, but your car will probably need more frequent cleaning if you are a parent. Take special care when cleaning the car to ensure you get rid of all profound stains and smells while ensuring your child's safety.

Ensure the cleaning products you use are not harmful to your child's health. Children tend to leave stains in cars, from yogurt to urine stains which have long-lasting and irritating smells if ignored. These stains cause harbor germs which are potentially harmful as well.

If they are to be hand-washed, you'll need elbow grease to remove these stubborn stains. First, read the car seat instructions manual and check for any guidelines as to how to safely remove the seat and the safest method for cleaning that specific make and model.

When cleaning the seat covers, use a machine, and be careful to set specific temperatures and detergents. You can just wash the target areas if the first cleaning cycle doesn't remove the stains. When cleaning the harness, be careful not to use a harsh product or chemicals that damage the fabrics and weakens the harness.

You can then put the seat back together carefully and securely to fit in the car. If need be, you can clean the rest of the car before putting back the seat to get rid of any tough spots and lingering smells.

How To Clean Baby Car Seat Straps

When it comes to baby car seats, you must know how to remove any tough spot and smells without damaging the car seat. Straps and buckles are plastic parts, so they should be spot-cleaned with water, a soft cloth, and gentle soap if the stain is a tough one.

For stubborn patches, get them wet and allow them to soak before attempting to clean again. Avoid using chemical solvents, bleach, and acidic substances like abrasive cleaners and vinegar as they are harsh cleaners and may damage the buckles and straps.

The straps can now be laid out to dry in the sun after spot-cleaning with water and mild soap, and the sun also helps eliminate the smells naturally.

How To Clean Urine From Leather Car Seat

Cleaning urine from leather seats is easy, as long as you have the necessary knowledge. You can begin by removing the car seat or cleaning out the car to allow you more room for cleaning. Cleaning leather seats are different from other upholstery, and they should be protected from excess moisture.

You can use straight vinegar instead of soap and water after absorbing the fluid with paper towels. Instead of wiping off the stain, dab it to prevent spreading around. The seats should be cleaned with a leather-specific deep cleanser using a sponge or a pad.

Remember to patch test the product before using it on your leather. If there are any changes and risks of stripping, use a leather cleaner and a soft-bristled brush first to remove the urine stains. Use bacteria-based and enzyme cleaners to clean the stuffing, then air-dry it under direct sunlight.

If possible, you can remove the stuffing; if not, act fast to prevent the stain from settling in. The leather should be dried in a cool place to protect it from bleaching and hardening.

Can You Use Vinegar On Leather?

Vinegar is a strong cleaning agent used to remove tough stains on leather, but if not used appropriately, it could damage the leather. Make a solution of part white vinegar and part linseed oil to clean and soften the leather.

Use the mixture to dampen a rag, then use it to scrub gently. Don't let the vinegar sit in for extended periods without rinsing it off, as it could be corrosive. You could wear gloves when you vacuum to ensure safety.

Does Urine Soak Into Leather?

Leather is durable and easy to clean. Urine stains caused by pets or children can cause odor on your leather seats. A damp cloth can help to soak and absorb the urine stain to make sure no odor develops. If you allow the urine to dry up on the seat, there will probably be a stain on the area and a bad smell. You can use a spray bottle to vacuum and let in clean, fresh air by opening the car windows.

How Do I Get Rid Of The Urine Smell In My Car?

Children or pets cause urine accidents, and they leave acidic stains with foul smells in cars. You can use homemade solutions like white vinegar and baking soda, which deodorize as they absorb the unpleasant smells leaving the air clean.

To vacuum, spray the affected surfaces with equal amounts of vinegar and water, or rub baking soda solution into the upholstery, and after drying up, hoover any residue. For persistent and tough stains, use enzymatic cleaners to break down the molecules, causing odors.

Dab or spray a little enzymatic cleaner for a patch test to ensure the product used doesn't ruin the upholstery. Clean the doors and windows as well if you want the smell completely out of your car.

How Do You Remove Dried Urine Stains?

Dried urine stains are very irritating, and their odor is unpleasant. They are removed using a mix of vinegar and soap water mixed in equal parts in a spray bottle. Vinegar is used to remove urine smells and other odors from car seats, as it acts as a disinfectant.

Shake the mix, spray it on the affected surface, and use a cloth to scrub the car seat till the soiled spot is clean. Use a damp cloth to wipe off any remnant residue.

What Do Professionals Clean Car Upholstery With?

Professionals use various tools to effectively clean cars' upholstery like rags, paper towels, glass cleaners, vacuum, and scrub brushes. They can use baking soda and water on vinyl upholstery and then rinse off with a soapy water mixture to make sure the stains are removed from car seats and any other affected area. Tougher stains require alcohol and special foaming products to remove.

What Is The Best Cleaner For Urine?

Urine stains should be cleaned in the fastest time possible to ensure no lingering foul smell in the car. Use a mixture of white vinegar and liquid dish soap, then dip an absorbent cloth in the soapy mixture.

You can wear gloves and ensure you wring out as much liquid as possible from the cloth. Otherwise, the moisture will damage your car seats. Ensure that doors and windows are open as you vacuum to prevent breathing in the foul odor.

Are Urine Stains Permanent?

Urine stains are easy to get off cars, and they may not be permanent. Cars are a ticking time-capsule for stains, and it's best to remove any stains as they appear using natural stain removers; otherwise, there is a lingering foul smell. Use a hand-held vacuum along the seams and between the gaps, and if the stain is fresh, simply use a microfiber towel to blot the spot and pick the liquid up.

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How to Get Pee Out of Cloth Car Seats
