Chicken Soup for the Soul Books Latest Edition

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one fine summer day, young mark monday - aged 4 or 5 - was tooling around the neighborhood on his Big Wheel. he was a happy lad and liked to make others around him feel happy too. this outlook soon saw its first challenge when he wheeled up to his friend Tommy - who looked miserable and had clearly been crying.
"What's the matter, Tommy?"
"Dad's going away!"
young mark monday was a military brat and so was Tommy, so mark knew exactly how he felt. he had felt the same way, many times. b
¡REVIEW #500!one fine summer day, young mark monday - aged 4 or 5 - was tooling around the neighborhood on his Big Wheel. he was a happy lad and liked to make others around him feel happy too. this outlook soon saw its first challenge when he wheeled up to his friend Tommy - who looked miserable and had clearly been crying.
"What's the matter, Tommy?"
"Dad's going away!"
young mark monday was a military brat and so was Tommy, so mark knew exactly how he felt. he had felt the same way, many times. but he hated seeing his friend Tommy looking so upset. he thought for a moment, and as his thoughts tended to do, they moved towards his favorite shows, Sesame Street and Electric Company. what happened when kids had problems on those shows, problems that they didn't know how to solve? why, they sang about them! and then the problems just didn't seem so big anymore. and so young mark sang.
"Don't be sa-ad, Tommy!
Just be gla-ad, Tommy!
The sun is bright,
Let your heart take --"
mark was silenced when Tommy suddenly picked up a rock and smashed it right into his face. then Tommy ran off. mark sat there stunned... then slowly rode his Big Wheel home, crying and bleeding. from that day on, he knew the dangers of trying to turn a frown upside down.
Spoiler Alert! Your prayers are never answered; for every happy ending there are countless unhappy stories. Everyone dies, sooner or later. You can kid yourself about
This series of books have the same tone as those cynical, anti-intellectual mega-church TV preachers who wear $30,000 wristwatches and claim to have all of the answers to your existence. If every story in this book isn't 100% fabrication, I'm certain that they have been generously embellished (sort of the same thing as fabricated).Spoiler Alert! Your prayers are never answered; for every happy ending there are countless unhappy stories. Everyone dies, sooner or later. You can kid yourself about this with religion or hack bibles like this piece of trash, or you can just accept our fleeting existence on our humble planet and try to make the most of it. Just what it means to "make the most of it" is entirely up to you. For me, this means studying languages and piano and reading a ton of books and writing and seeing the world and experiencing new cultures, among other pursuits. Praying ain't one of them. To each his own.
The best part about trashing this stupid book is that there is no such thing as a soul and if you disagree with me, I suggest that you take flying lessons (don't bother with the bit about landings) and fly a plane into your computer right into my review of this book. That'll learn me!
The Goodreads blurb for this book describes the authors as, "Two of America's best-loved inspirational speakers." Other famous inspirational speakers: Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Dale Carnegie, Jim Jones, Tony Robbins, Richard Simmons, and Reverend Lovejoy from the Simpsons, to name only a few. Not very good company to keep. Let's just consider that word for a moment. Inspire: to influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural. Do you really want to be guided or influenced by these two hucksters? Life doesn't come with instructions; so why do so many people look for them in this sort of childish pabulum? There are no easy answers. You just have to take bits and pieces of the wisdom handed down to us through the centuries and cobble some meaning together on your own. I have news for you: none of this wisdom is to be found in the self-help aisle at Barnes and Nobles, and there is certainly none to be found in this collection of fortune cookie aphorisms.
Instead of wasting your time with this garbage, read something that will give you some true understanding of human existence. I'll bet that most people who rated this five-stars don't believe in evolution. Evolution is one of the most illuminating ideas in all of human history, but these people would rather ignore science and take refuge in religion, superstition, and this sort of "uplifting" silliness.
What does evolution have to do with these stories? The title of the book mentions the soul, something I don't believe in. Consciousness, yes, the soul, no. Just when did mankind attain a soul? Did the Neanderthals have souls? Homo erectus? Australopithecus?
Stephen J. Gold was asked if he had learned anything or if his thinking was altered because he had been diagnosed with cancer. He told the interviewer that his intellectual foundation would have been pretty weak if something as minor as his own illness could have rocked him off of it. If this sort of trash is your intellectual foundation, you are making a house of (greeting) cards.
Before you let me have it because I think this book is trash, look at your own ratings. I'm sure that there are books that you hate that other people treasure. I don't care if you don't like a book that I may think is excellent. The whole idea of this site is for readers to voice their opinions. I give most books 5 stars so if you're looking for something that I have written with a positive slant, read a review of a book that I loved.
One of those books which forces one to think positive even if one is 100% doomed to failure, extinction, defeat, or death

The real magic behind the Chicken Soup Series is knowing the effort that Jack Canfield put into the promotion of this book before it became popular. After being turned down 144 times, he persisted. He is a model of passionately pursuing your dreams until they are realized.
I also had the chance to meet Jack Canfield at the premiere of the Keeper o
I loved this collection of short-stories. They are inspirational, motivational, and beautifully written. Many made me cry, which is also very cathartic.The real magic behind the Chicken Soup Series is knowing the effort that Jack Canfield put into the promotion of this book before it became popular. After being turned down 144 times, he persisted. He is a model of passionately pursuing your dreams until they are realized.
I also had the chance to meet Jack Canfield at the premiere of the Keeper of the Keys, a documentary movie that I am featured in along with Jack Canfield, John Gray and Marci Shimoff. Jack was also kind enough to read and endorse my book, The Upside of Down Times: Discovering the Power of Gratitude which can be found here:

YES, this series is worth it. And I am still judged for actually checking out a book in this series in the bookstore.
It's fine. Various books in this series (parents, teens, teachers, pets as well as the one on grieving on the passing away of pets, on dogs) helped me cope at various situations in my life.
Pick up the Chicken Soup for the Soul series ONLY WHEN YOU WANT TO READ SOMETHING POSITIVE AND NOT TO BASH THE BOOKS OR THE AUTHORS.YES, this series is worth it. And I am still judged for actually checking out a book in this series in the bookstore.
It's fine. Various books in this series (parents, teens, teachers, pets as well as the one on grieving on the passing away of pets, on dogs) helped me cope at various situations in my life.

The first seed said, "I want to grow! I want to send my roots deep into the soil beneath me, and thrust my sprouts through the earths crust above me…"
And she grew.
The second seed said, "I am afraid. If I send my roots into the ground below, I don't know what I will encounter in the dark. If I push my way through the hard soil above me I may damage my delicate sprouts."
And so she waited."
MORAL OF THE STORY: Seeds can't talk, jerkoff. And havi
"Two seeds lay side by side in the fertile spring soil.The first seed said, "I want to grow! I want to send my roots deep into the soil beneath me, and thrust my sprouts through the earths crust above me…"
And she grew.
The second seed said, "I am afraid. If I send my roots into the ground below, I don't know what I will encounter in the dark. If I push my way through the hard soil above me I may damage my delicate sprouts."
And so she waited."
MORAL OF THE STORY: Seeds can't talk, jerkoff. And having wicked-passionate earth-shattering sex on a daily basis will certainly do a lot more for your soul than this collection of insipid quasi-life affirming claptrap.
I found this book in the garage. I didn't realize it was at the BOTTOM of a box of books for a reason. I thought, what the hell, I could use a few stories to open the heart and rekindle the spirit, so I put it next to the bed for a little dream inspiration. More like night-sweats and hideous thoughts of Mary Poppins on crack. If this is Americas 'book of wisdom and solace for the ages,' we are in deep doo-doo. I would line the cage these pages if I were inspired enough to have a bird. Instead, it's back in the box. In the garage. Waiting to be taken to the next church flea market.
And... yes, as far as "clean" and "appropriate" went, sure, the Chicken Soup books were fine for kids (older kids, at least, given the reading level) Now, some 20+ years later, I agre
Theese books were big when I was a kid. And I do mean fucking big. Just about all of the adults I knew were passing these books among themselves, going on about how awesome and inspiring these books were. And I was able to read these because hey, such Godly and inspirational books are soooo kid-appropriate/friendly!And... yes, as far as "clean" and "appropriate" went, sure, the Chicken Soup books were fine for kids (older kids, at least, given the reading level) Now, some 20+ years later, I agree with that, at least from a neutral perspective. The stories are meant to be inspiring and uplifting.
However, the Chicken Soup books have a heavy religious/Christian bent, which isn't surprising given the two people responsible for the books, so many of the stories are about people finding God, or being inspired by God, or some shit. So while these books may be more appealing to Christians, there's less appeal to non-religious folks.
I see some reviewers questioning the validity of the stories, and now, thinking back, I can't help but wonder if some of these stories WERE indeed fabricated, to push the whole "you need Jesus to feel good" message. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me.

This is basically the book, some of the affirmations and messages of the stories were nice enough to even go through to the cynical heart of an auld woman like me. I liked the title an
One day, Justin Bieber saw a kid fall to the ground and asked his bodyguard to help him up. He then looked at the kid in the eye and said "If you learn to get up after falling over and not give up on your dreams, you can do anything that you want". And do you know who that little boy grew up to be? Albert EinsteinThis is basically the book, some of the affirmations and messages of the stories were nice enough to even go through to the cynical heart of an auld woman like me. I liked the title and fancied reading something comforting but it just doesn't deliver. You can't manufacture wisdom and this just didn't inspire me. Obviously a lot of people like it and I hope that it's helped bring them some comfort. It is keen on championing the individualist underdog as they overcome obstacles which comes across as disingenuous in a society full of inequality and injustice.
Let's face it, chicken soup isn't very comforting if you're a chicken.
Also, some of it has really not aged well - I didn't like the message of "staying positive and keeping faith can cure illness" as I think that this is obviously shite and unfair to people who have lost loved ones to illness. And also, could they really not have edited the references to 'primitive cultures' out? It's really not aged well. And don't get me started on the inclusion of the inspirational story of OJ Simpson - it was quite the surprise!
As a Christian writer and pastor, I am always looking for good illustrations. The Chicken Soup for the Soul book series is stocked with inspirational stories, perfectly appropriate for the author/speaker. Not all stories in this book are necessarily Christian. Many have a "believe in yourself" message and the Christian message is "die to yourself" and believe in Christ. However, there is enough here on love, connection, and gratitude, to be useful. Some of the stories are a litt This Soup is Good
As a Christian writer and pastor, I am always looking for good illustrations. The Chicken Soup for the Soul book series is stocked with inspirational stories, perfectly appropriate for the author/speaker. Not all stories in this book are necessarily Christian. Many have a "believe in yourself" message and the Christian message is "die to yourself" and believe in Christ. However, there is enough here on love, connection, and gratitude, to be useful. Some of the stories are a little outdated. I'm sure the editors would like to remove the touching story of O.J. Simpson's childhood ambition considering his life since the book was published. Speaking of touching, the Me Too Movement would have a fit on the section that encourages hugging random people. Still, the classic Chicken Soup holds up well. I'm looking forward to a second bowl. ...more

I think that this book should be read by every soul longing to peace and divine beauty I couldn't get myself to sleep before finishing up all of the stories included in this book, it was an amazing experience, and I'm really thankful to the professor who had recommended it to me, it's a book that holds in it that hope that we all need to reassure us that there's still beauty and goodness out there waiting to be discovered, that within ourselves are hold much more capacities than we think we have.
I think that this book should be read by every soul longing to peace and divine beauty. ...more

However, cynicism aside, if some read
Not sure how I feel about this book, and was not inclined to read all the way through. It's the first (and only) one of this series I have looked at, and it doesn't really appeal. Perhaps it's more for American tastes, and I am just a cynical Brit. I can see that it's a good thing to have a book of inspirational stories, but I can't help thinking that they may be no more than fiction, and a clever marketing idea has made these books the best-sellers they are.However, cynicism aside, if some readers are helped and motivated by these books, then that is surely a good thing, so who am I to complain?
Reviewed in exchange for a preview copy.

Canfield received a BA in Chi
Jack Canfield is an American motivational speaker and author. He is best known as the co-creator of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book series, which currently has over 124 titles and 100 million copies in print in over 47 languages. According to USA Today, Canfield and his writing partner, Mark Victor Hansen, were the top-selling authors in the United States in 1997.Canfield received a BA in Chinese History from Harvard University and a Masters from University of Massachusetts. He has worked as a teacher, a workshop facilitator, and a psychotherapist.
Canfield is the founder of "Self Esteem Seminars" in Santa Barbara, and "The Foundation for Self Esteem" in Culver City, California. The stated mission of Self Esteem Seminars is to train entrepreneurs, educators, corporate leaders and employees to achieve their personal and professional goals. The focus of The Foundation for Self Esteem is to train social workers, welfare recipients and human resource professionals.
In 1990,he shared with author Mark Victor Hansen his idea for the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. After three years, the two had compiled sixty-eight stories.
Canfield has appeared on numerous television shows, including Good Morning America, 20/20, Eye to Eye, CNN's Talk Back Live, PBS, The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Montel Williams Show, Larry King Live and the BBC.
Canfield's most recent book, The Success Principles (2005), shares 64 principles that he claims can make people more successful. In 2006, he appeared in the DVD, "The Secret," and shared his insights on the Law of Attraction and tips for achieving success in personal and professional life.
Jack Canfield was born on August 19, 1944, in Fort Worth, TX. He is the son of Elmer and Ellen (a homemaker; maiden name, Taylor). He attended high school at Linsly Military Institute, Wheeling, WV, 1962. He went to college at Harvard University, B.A., 1966; University of Massachusetts at Amherst, M.Ed., 1973. Canfield married Judith Ohlbaum in 1971 (divorced, November 1976); he married Georgia Lee Noble on September 9, 1978 (divorced, December 1999); he married Inga Marie Mahoney on July 4, 2001; children: (first marriage) Oran, David, Kyle, Dania; (second marriage) Christopher Noble. He is a Democrat and a Christian, and his hobbies include tennis, travel, skiing, running, billiards, reading, and guitar.
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Chicken Soup for the Soul Books Latest Edition