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Which Effect Can Be Achieved by Using Charcoal on Roughly Textured Paper?

Human being'south employ of charcoal extends back as far as homo history itself. It was showtime used more 30,000 years ago to brand some of the earliest cave paintings. Much afterward, charcoal played an important role in what might be considered mankind'south showtime applied science, the smelting and working of metals. In more recent times, charcoal has remained a technologically important material, primarily as a result of its adsorptive properties. The apply of activated charcoal in gas masks during Globe War I saved many thousands of lives, and today charcoal is used on an enormous scale for the purification of air and water. From a scientific perspective, charcoal is also of peachy involvement since we are beginning to achieve a detailed pic of its atomic structure for the outset time. In this article I want to look at charcoal from the point of view of fine art, applied science and science.

The dictionary defines charcoal equally "The black porous remainder obtained by the subversive distillation of creature or vegetable affair in a express supply of air". In fact charcoal, or more correctly char, can be produced from a range of synthetic materials, such as polymers, too every bit from natural sources. The basic atomic structure of the char is independent of the precursor, although the larger scale morphology may differ. It is of import not to confuse charcoal with other forms of impure non-crystalline carbon such as coke and soot. Although coke, similar charcoal, is produced past solid-phase pyrolysis (unremarkably of bituminous coal), it is distinguished from charcoal in that a fluid stage is formed during carbonisation. The structure and properties of cokes and chars are quite dissimilar, as discussed further below. In the case of soot, this is formed in the gas phase by incomplete combustion rather than by solid-phase pyrolysis, and it has a microstructure quite distinct from either coke or charcoal. It will non exist discussed here.

Early Charcoal Product

The origins of charcoal product are intimately spring upward with the beginnings of metallurgy approximately 5000 years agone. Attempts to smelt metals using wood fires could never have been entirely successful, since it would accept been impossible to accomplish sufficiently high temperatures. When apparently wood is burned there is a large quantity of water driven off, plus assorted volatiles, and this limits the temperature of the fire. Burning charcoal, on the other mitt, produces a much higher burn down temperature (well over moC), with little fume: platonic conditions for metal smelting and working. Oxide ores of copper were first reduced with charcoal in about 3000 BC, initiating the era we know as the Bronze Historic period. Iron is more difficult to smelt than copper, requiring higher temperatures and a greater blast of air, and was commencement achieved in almost 1200 BC, marking the beginning of the Atomic number 26 Age.

The primeval method for producing charcoal probably involved the "pit kiln" procedure, in which woods was slowly burned in a shallow pit covered with soil. Even so, this eventually gave way to the more efficient and manageable above-ground "forest kiln" method. Charcoal was still being produced in this manner until the 1950s in Forest of Dean and elsewhere. The basic system used is shown in higher up. The first phase in constructing the pile is the raising of a centre log, around which a shaft is left to human action every bit a chimney. Forest is so stacked effectually this to course a hemispherical heap, which is then covered with world or turf. Around the base of the pile some small air inlets are opened. To light the kiln, some kindling is thrown down into the central shaft, followed by a burning torch. When the woods is alight, the hatch is closed and the intensity of the fire is regulated by opening and closing the air inlets at the base. Controlling the input of air ensures that the woods smoulders rather than bursting into flames, and in this way it is slowly converted into charcoal, a procedure which typically takes around x days.

All iron production until well-nigh 1700 was based on the employ of charcoal. Still, as metal production increased, deforestation became a significant problem throughout Europe, and attempts were made to find an culling to charcoal. Coal was found to be unsuitable, considering the impurities which it contains (especially sulphur) are transferred to the metal.

Around 1709, the English iron worker Abraham Darby found a way of making cast iron using coke, produced from plentiful bituminous coal. Equally a event of this innovation, demand for charcoal vicious essentially, but information technology continued to be produced on a small scale, mainly for cooking.

Charcoal as an artists' textile

As already noted, charcoal was being used by artists long before its use in smelting metals. Cave paintings made using charcoal and other materials have been dated as early as 30,000 years BC ane. However, the near famous cave art, at Lascaux, Roufignac, and other sites in France, is rather after than this, dating from fifteen,000 BC to nearly 9000 BC. A cute charcoal drawing of a mammoth from Roufignac is shown on the left. These pictures would have been fabricated using charred sticks taken from a fire rather than intentionally-produced charcoal. When the caves a were start discovered the paintings were very well preserved. They had been protected from environmental erosion, and the stable levels of wet and temperature within the caves provided an ideal environment for the preservation of pigments. Nonetheless, when the caves were opened to the public in the late 1940's, the presence of enormous numbers of visitors soon disturbed the fragile environment of the cave, and the paintings began to deteriorate. The colours faded and a green fungus grew over the pigments. The caves were airtight to the public in 1963, and replicas were constructed for visitors.

In more recent times, charcoal has remained a popular medium for artists. We know that information technology was used widely in the Renaissance for making preparatory drawings, just few of these have survived. This is because charcoal marks on paper are relatively impermanent, as discussed below. At the end of the 15th century, methods were developed for "fixing" charcoal drawings past immersing them in baths of gum, and as a result many charcoal drawings from the 16thursday century have come up downwards to usa. In well-nigh cases these were probably preparatory sketches, but information technology seems that some artists began to regard charcoal drawings as finished works in their own right. One of these was the German Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528). Dürer is famous for his ink drawings and woodcuts, but also made many charcoal drawings, among them an expressive portrait of his female parent (right). Most major artists since the Renaissance, from Rembrandt to Degas have used charcoal in 1 way or some other, oftentimes for portraiture, where its expressionistic qualities can be used to the full. In the 20th century, notable works in charcoal take been fabricated by Matisse and Picasso, whose Artist before his sheet is shown on the left.

In considering the attraction of charcoal equally an artists' material, it is interesting to compare its characteristics with those of graphite pencil. Although both charcoal and graphite are forms of carbon, their properties are very different. Graphite has a layered crystal structure with very weak chemical bonds between the layers. As a upshot, a graphite pencil slides easily over newspaper leaving marks which result from the shearing away of tiny shards of graphite from the parent crystals. A graphite pencil tin can as well be sharpened to a fine betoken, enabling accurate, fine lines to be drawn. In practical terms, charcoal would seem to be less suitable equally a drawing material. It does not take a layered structure like graphite, simply instead has a rough texture which does non glide smoothly over paper. Marks made with charcoal outcome from the deposition of tiny carbon particles into depressions in the gristly paper surface. Every bit already noted, these marks are less permanent than those made with graphite pencil, having a trend to "dust-off." Nevertheless, many artists adopt charcoal, partly because of its black. Graphite pencils tin can never achieve every bit dark a black as charcoal, since pure graphite is gray and metallic in appearance, rather than blackness. The trend of pencil marks to get shiny upon repeated application is also undesirable. Stylistically, charcoal encourages a complimentary, expressive style, since fine lines are most impossible to draw. It tin can besides be deliberately smeared or smudged to produce moody, atmospheric furnishings which many artists have establish highly appealing.

David Nash is a contemporary artist who uses charcoal in his work. Nash makes large forest sculptures to which he applies a flame gun, transforming the colour and texture of the wood to the intense richness of charcoal. An example of his work is "Three Forms (Pyramid, Sphere, Cube)", shown on the right.

Charcoal as an adsorbent

The apply of charcoal as an adsorbent, like most of its other applications, has a very long history2. Egyptian papyri from effectually 1500 BC describe the apply of charcoal to adsorb malodorous vapours from putrefying wounds, and there is an Old Testament reference (Numbers 19:9) to the ritual purification of water using the charred remains of a heifer. The first scientific study of the adsorptive properties of charcoal was made by the Swedish scientist Carl Wilhelm Scheele in the late eighteenth century. Scheele was a bright chemist who identified the elements chlorine and barium and prepared oxygen two years earlier Priestley. He described how the vapours adsorbed by charcoal could exist expelled by heating, and taken upward again during cooling 3: "I filled a retort half-full with very dry pounded charcoal and tied it to a bladder, emptied of air. Equally shortly as the retort became cherry-hot at the bottom, the bladder would no longer expand. I left the antiphon to cool and the air returned from the bladder into the dress-down. I once again heated the antiphon, and the air was again expelled; and when it was cool the air was once more adsorbed by the coals. This air filled 8 times the infinite occupied by the dress-down."

During the 19th century, work on the adsorptive properties of charcoal connected at a adequately low level. There were nonetheless relatively few applications for charcoal equally an adsorbent, autonomously from specialised areas similar sugar refining, and little incentive for enquiry. It was the utilise of poisonous gas in World War I which created an urgent need for effective adsorbent materials4. Gas was first used in the 2nd battle of Ypres in April 1915, when the Germans released chlorine over the Allied trenches. The British and French troops were completely unprepared for this new weapon, the merely protection existence a piece of clammy cloth tied over the face. Subsequently, slightly improved defence confronting chlorine was accomplished past using cloth saturated with chemicals such as photographers Hypo solution. Yet it was articulate that a far better form of protection was going to be needed. The first truthful gas masks were fabricated using wood charcoal which was activated chemically. Later, inquiry in the USA showed that charcoal made from coconut shells had the all-time characteristics for employ in gas masks, since its more open macroporous structure immune for a more than rapid menstruation-through of air.

The British deployed gas-bearing shells in September 1915 at the Battle of Loos, and the use of gas continued on the Western Front until the end of the state of war. Still, the effectiveness of gas as a battleground weapon was limited by its vulnerability to changes in wind management and by increasingly effective gas masks. The use of mustard gas, which began in 1917 was partly an attempt to defeat the new charcoal gas masks, but again was only partially effective. In World War II, the British government feared that gas would exist used to attack civilian targets, then gas masks were issued to the entire population. In the effect, the feared attacks never materialised.

Today, activated charcoal is used on an enormous scale in both vapour-phase and liquid-stage purification processes. It is withal used widely in respirators, too as in air conditioning systems and in the clean-upwards of waste gases from industry. In the liquid-phase, its largest single application is the removal of organic contaminants from drinking water. Many h2o companies in Europe and the USA now filter all domestic supplies through granular activated carbon filters, and household h2o filters containing activated carbon are also in widespread utilize. Other applications include decontamination of groundwaters and control of automobile emissions. As a event of its commercial importance, charcoal has been the subject of a huge corporeality of research in both industrial and bookish laboratories. Despite this, many of import questions remain, not to the lowest degree about its detailed atomic structure.

The structure of charcoal

The piece of work of Rosalind Franklin

In the 1920s and 1930s, X-ray diffraction was used to determine the structures of a huge range of inorganic materials. Graphite was i of the starting time structures to be solved, by John D Bernal in 1924. Non-crystalline carbon materials, such equally soot, coke and char, presented more than of a challenge. It was established that these carbons, similar graphite, contained hexagonal carbon rings, but the fashion these were linked together remained unknown. Some workers suggested that char might have a three dimensional network construction lying somewhere betwixt those of graphite and diamond, but in that location was no direct prove for this. The stardom between char and coke was too non understood. The field remained in some disarray until the classic piece of work of Rosalind Franklin in the late 1940s and early on 50s.

Rosalind Franklin is, of grade, far ameliorate known for her work on the structure of DNA than for her work on carbon. However, before she moved into biology she made a major contribution to our understanding of coals, carbons and graphite. Franklin studied chemistry at Newnham College, Cambridge, graduating in 1941. She and then joined the British Coal Utilisation Research Association (CURA) in London, which was carrying out a major enquiry programme, important to the war effort, on the efficient use of coal. Franklin's research focused on the porosity of dress-down, and she was awarded a Ph.D. for this work by Cambridge in 1945. After the war she went to Paris to piece of work with Jacques Méring at the Laboratoire Central des Services Chimiques de l'Etat. The photograph shown here was taken during her fourth dimension in France, which past all accounts was a very happy one5. From Méring she learned the techniques of X-ray diffraction and used them to written report a range of carbon materials. Franklin'southward work during this period resulted in a number of outstanding papers which are still oft cited in the literature.

In 1 of these, published in Acta Crystallographia in 1950 6, she described XRD studies of a char prepared from the polymer polyvinylidene chloride. By rigorous quantitative analysis of the diffraction data, Franklin was able to advise the showtime reliable model for the structure of a char. In this model, 65% of the carbon in is contained in individual graphite layers, highly perfect in construction merely only nigh 1.6 nm in diameter, with the residue of the carbon existence matted. Earlier models, based on three dimensional network structures, were shown to be wrong. This was followed past a detailed report of the effect of loftier temperature estrus treatments on the structures of cokes and chars, which probably constitutes her nearly important work on carbon. This piece of work was made possible past the availability of an early consecration furnace at the French Laboratoire de Haute Temperatures. Using this furnace, she was able to oestrus the carbon samples at temperatures up to 3000oC. It would be expected that these very high temperature treatments would convert the matted carbons into crystalline graphite, which is known to exist the most thermodynamically stable form of solid carbon. And then Franklin's results came as a surprise: while the cokes could be graphitized by heat treatments above about 2200oC, the chars could not be transformed into crystalline graphite, even at 3000oC. Instead, they formed a porous, isotropic cloth which only contained tiny domains of graphite-like structure. These results demonstrated, for the get-go time, the fundamental stardom betwixt cokes and chars.

Franklin summarised her studies of graphitization in a lengthy newspaper for Proceedings of the Royal Society, published in 1951vii, which is 1 of the classics of the carbon literature. In this paper she coined the terms graphitizing carbons and not-graphitizing carbons to draw the two classes of material she had identified, and proposed models for their microstructures, which are shown on the right. In these models, the basic units are pocket-size graphitic crystallites containing a few layer planes, which are joined together by cross-links. The structural units in a graphitizing carbon are approximately parallel to each other and the links between adjacent units are assumed to be weak every bit shown in (a). The transformation of such a construction into crystalline graphite would be expected to exist relatively facile. By contrast, the structural units in non-graphitizing carbons, are oriented randomly, as shown in (b), and the cantankerous-links are sufficiently strong to impede movement of the layers into a more than parallel arrangement. Although these models do non stand for a complete description of graphitizing and non-graphitizing carbons, since the precise nature of the cross-links is not specified, they provided for many years the best structural models bachelor for these materials.

Current ideas

The atomic construction of chars and the reasons for their resistance to graphitization are nonetheless the subject of intense research, about 50 years afterwards Franklin's piece of work. Still there is a growing conventionalities that the cardinal to the problem may lie in the discovery of a new class of carbons known as fullerenes. Fullerenes are a group of airtight-cage carbon particles of which the archetype is buckminsterfullerene, C60, whose structure is shown on the right. They were first identified in 1985 past Harry Kroto, of the Academy of Sussex, and Richard Smalley, of Rice University, Houston, and their colleagues, during experiments on the laser vaporisation of graphite8. Subsequently it was found that they could be prepared in majority using a unproblematic carbon arc, and this stimulated a deluge of research which led to the discovery of a whole range of new fullerene-related carbon materials including nanoparticles and nanotubesnine. The distinguishing structural feature of these new carbons is that they contain pentagonal rings in addition to hexagons. These pentagons produce curvature, and Euler's constabulary states that the inclusion of precisely 12 pentagons into such a lattice volition produce a closed structure.

The discovery that carbon structures containing pentagons can be highly stable led to speculation that such structures might exist present in well-known forms of carbon. At start, this speculation centred on soot particles, whose spheroidal shapes immediately suggest a possible link with fullerenes. However, there is likewise growing evidence that microporous carbons may contain fullerene-like elements. The first indication of this came in a high-resolution electron microscopy report published in 199710. In this piece of work, not-graphitizing carbons prepared from polyvinylidene chloride and sucrose were rut treated at temperatures upwards to 2600oC. Information technology was institute that the high temperature heat treatments produced a structure made upwardly of curved and faceted graphitic layer planes, including closed carbon nanoparticles, which were apparently fullerene-like in structure. This suggested that fullerene-like elements may accept been present in the original carbons, and subsequent studies using a variety of techniques have provided support for this idea. Eiji Osawa and colleagues at the Toyohashi Academy of Technology in Nihon have also demonstrated that Csixty tin can be extracted from wood charcoal11. Every bit a result of these studies, many workers in the field now believe that charcoal has a structure made up of fragments of randomly curved carbon sheets, containing pentagonal and a heptagonal rings dispersed throughout a hexagonal network, as shown on the left. Still, this idea is by no means universally accustomed.


Charcoal may seem a mundane material, but as we take seen its unique properties have been valued by man throughout history. Its use as a fuel was crucial in the development of metallurgy, and its qualities as an creative medium have been appreciated from the earliest times. Today activated charcoal is of enormous importance in the purification of water and air. The scientific discipline of charcoal has been studied for over 200 years by such outstanding figures as Wilhelm Scheele and Rosalind Franklin yet it still remains only partially understood. We accept fabricated important advances recently, but there is even so much to learn.


  1. T. PATEL: "Stone Historic period Picassos"; New Scientist, 1996, 151, (no. 2038), 33-35.
  2. J.West. PATRICK, (ed.): "Porosity in Carbons: Characterisation and Applications"; 1994, London, Arnold.
  3. C.West. SCHEELE: "Chemical observations on air and burn"; 1780.
  4. C.R.HALL and One thousand.South.W. Rex: "Protection - the black art?", Chemistry in Britain 1988, 24, 670-674.
  5. J. GLYNN: "Rosalind Franklin 1920 - 1958" in "Cambridge Women: Twelve Portraits", (ed. Eastward. Shils and C. Blacker), 267-282; 1996 Cambridge: Cambridge Academy Press.
  6. R.E. FRANKLIN: "The interpretation of diffuse 10-ray diagrams of carbon," Acta Cryst. 1950, 3, 107-121.
  7. R.E. FRANKLIN: "Crystallite growth in graphitizing and non-graphitizing carbons", Proc. Roy. Soc., 1951, A209, 196-218.
  8. H.W. KROTO, J.R. HEATH, South.C. O'BRIEN, R.F. CURL and R.East. SMALLEY: "C60: Buckminsterfullerene", Nature, 1985, 318, 162-163.
  9. P.J.F. HARRIS: "Carbon nanotubes and related structures -New materials for the twenty-get-go century"; 1999, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  1. P.J.F. HARRIS and S.C. TSANG: "High-resolution electron microscopy studies of non-graphitizing carbons", Phil. Mag. A, 1997, 76, 667-.
  2. M. SHIBUYA, M. KATO, M. OZAWA, P.H. FANG and Due east. OSAWA: "Detection of buckminsterfullerene in usual soots and commercial charcoals", Fullerene Science and Technology, 1999, seven, 181-193.
Some Charcoal Links
Charcoal making in Anglo-Saxon and Viking Age England
Charcoal as the solution to global warming

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